The concept of farming or ranching is simple. All you have to do is plant some seeds and harvest the crop or mate a bull and cow and sell the calf they produce. In reality agriculture is very complicated and becoming more so every day. There is no other small business so costly to start up. Ranching requires a huge amount of operating capital to generate a small amount of profit. There is also a huge amount of risk involved. Flood, fire, hail or drought can devastate your crops. Severe weather or disease can decimate your cow herd. Commodity prices rise and fall. You can’t manage the weather or nature but you can manage risk. There are many facets in agriculture production alone but production is only part of the equation. As with any small business cash flow is a concern but in agriculture the majority of sales come only once or twice a year. Budgeting, credit management, and market planning are very important. Another part of the equation is government. Taxation looms large and of course requires a good accountant. You may have a deed to your land and think you own it but try to tell that to the E. P. A. If you have a grazing permit on public land you have to deal with the Forest Service or the B. L. M. The government can also be an asset. Entities like the F. S. A. (Farm Services Administration) can help with ranch improvements geared toward production but beware of the fine print.
We, at Intermountain Ranch Management have the experience to assist you in every aspect of ranching. We can offer a complete package that would include hiring a ranch foreman, providing bookkeeping, overseeing ranch improvements, handle purchases and marketing and more. This would include quarterly meetings and reports and we would be readily available for any concerns. We also will do as little as offer advice or provide employment services. We will be glad to tailor a package to fit your needs. For something we don’t have the answer for we do know where to find it and who to call. If you would like more information e-mail or give us a call. We are at your service.